Thursday, July 13, 2006

Why blog?

I mean, what's the point?
Of telling every single disinterested fool about what I was thinking in the loo this morning...the amount of roughage in my diet?
Of letting the world know why I called my cook a nincompoop? ..Cause she is one, of course.
And of telling the world I love Angelina Jolie, when she's got Brad's baby and Brad and her two adopted kids to think about and probably is old enough to be my mum?
Why do people blog about their thoughts? My thoughts are my property, copyrighted and protected by multiple encrypted passwords. Why should the world know what I'm thinking about? What right does the mediocre multitude have of looking upon something so high and complex that it is going to be beyond their comprehension, anyway?
And I have friends blogging like mad..about stuff from melons to Margaret Mitchell, from fish to Georges Feydou, from exams to Desiderius Erasmus...erm...went too far..
Pointless....pathetically pointless...

2 Counterpleonasms:

At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blog because I have no life...

At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And dude...
Do not say the words 'Angelina jolie' and 'mum' in the same sentence...


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